What ukulele should I buy?
Types of ukuleles.
For anyone who wants to enter the world of ukuleles, it is necessary to know their characteristics and size. At Ortizo we provide you with the information for your best choice.
Over time, its evolution has allowed us to find four types of ukuleles on the market today: Soprano, Concert, Tenor and Baritone.
- Soprano : also known as standard in Hawaii, it is the smallest and measures 53 cm, allowing the sound to be sharp and brighter than other ukuleles. This class is the most used in the world , therefore it is the most in demand. Its small size is perfect for children or people with small hands , it is not ideal for people with large hands due to its comfort.
- Concert: with a size of 58 cm, it is considered the most comfortable to play, if you have large hands it is ideal, and if you have experience playing string instruments it is perfect . Its sound box, having a larger size, offers more breadth of sound, greater depth and greater volume.
- Tenor : it is often used for fingerpicking , it measures 67 cm which makes it possible to have the frets further apart, favors fingering, the formation of chords and makes strumming possible thanks to the separation of the strings. The tenor ukulele is an instrument that allows a wide range of notes, lower and louder; so much so that it is very popular among professional musicians.
- Baritone: measures 74cm, its characteristic sound allows it to move away a little from the typical sound of the ukulele. It has a serious sound, its longest scale length anchors it in G6, coinciding with the first 4 strings of the guitar, so if you play guitar it is easily adaptable .
Whatever design suits you, you can find the features and major specifications at Ortizo.com.co and with our advisors at the point of sale.
Me gustaría conocer el costo del ukelele soprano.
Es para una niña.
Mil gracias.