Melodic: ideal for musical initiation
Why is the melodica the ideal instrument?
The melodica, thanks to its characteristics, helps to understand the operation and structure of the keyboard, many consider it the little cousin of the piano. It is perfect to have the bases and in the future play the keyboard, piano, accordion with keys or any wind instrument.
The melodica, being a wind instrument, is exposed to humidity, therefore, its construction is made with materials that are more resistant to water, a plus point compared to other instruments that, if they are close to humidity or water, can be damaged. some compounds or oxidize, causing deficiencies in the sound.
Its price is really affordable, the melodica is the perfect instrument to start with, maybe you have some interest in the piano but you have not decided, or it is a child who will play it and you as a parent do not want to buy something of greater value, then this instrument with its comfortable price is the first and excellent option.
For children, the melodica has become the instrument of initiation with music, in addition to being easy to transport, they are light to take to school or music classes, it provides conceptualization and first musical steps.
What is a melodica
The melodica is an instrument full of expressiveness and incredibly easy to play. Also known as melody, clavieta, milodica, melodion, pianica or organíca depending on the region, country and brand that produces and distributes it, it was created between the 50's and 60's by the Hohner brand. The melodica is an instrument considered wind, its 2-octave or 3-octave piano keyboard is one of the most widespread and easiest ways to articulate melodies and harmonies. The rhythm and dynamics are controlled directly by the breath, naturally slowing and flowing through you.
The melodica is a polyphonic instrument, which means that you can blow and have several notes at the same moment, allowing you to create incredible musical combinations.

How the melodica works
As it is an aerophone instrument, it must be blown through a mouthpiece or using a hose. The sound is generated by entering air into the instrument either through the reed or using the hose, the vibration of the air inside the instrument causes the sounds; Although it is a wind instrument, for the melodica to produce sounds, you must blow and press the keys at the same time. If you blow and do not play the notes, it will never sound, or if you only play the keys without blowing, it will not sound either. Blowing and playing the keys is the key for the melodica to work correctly.
To use it, you can do it in two ways: use only the mouthpiece to blow through it and take the melodica as if it were a flute or any wind instrument, or you can use the hose to blow while playing with your two hands as if it were a piano or digital keyboard.
What types of melodies exist?
The melodicas are classified into three groups: sopranos, tenors and double basses depending on the tone that each one emits.
- Double bass: its tone is lower than the tenors and produces deeper sounds, they are not very common to find on the market.
- Soprano: their melody is stronger, they are created to be played by both hands and are the most common to find.
- Tenor: a key is lower, this type can be played with two hands, and blown through the mouthpiece or hose.
How does it contribute to the development of the person?
Performing a musical instrument that combines breathing with digital performance at an early age develops not only cerebral/cognitive benefits for the child, but also greater academic performance.
- Strengthening the lungs and rib cage.
- Strengthening cheek and mouth muscles: Ordicularis oris, levator anguli oris, zygomaticus major and zygomaticus minor, buccinator and risorium.
- Better pronunciation in a second language
- Highest IQ
- Increased visuospatial processing (the ability to mentally represent, analyze, and manipulate objects)
- Exercise perseverance and discipline at an early age
- Enhances imagination and creativity.
Hola saludos desde cucuta.
Deseo informacion de una melodiica
Hoy forma de contactar por telefo ,whatts. ,
Necesito con urgencias
Tengo 75 años mi. Fin es tocar como gheorghe zamfir flauta de pan sicu aconsejan empezar con.una melódica soprano conmsnguera.?donde la puedo comprar?aproximadamente cuanto cuesta?.estoy bien.o equivocado?muchas gracias
Dónde se consiguen manuales o tutoriales en físico para aprender a tocar la Melódica?
Tengo 12 años quiero aprender a.tocar pero no se donde lo venden melodica
Buenos días, me podría regalar el precio de una melodica de 4/8 para niño gracias
Buen día, me gustaría saber el precio de una soprano y una teñir, deseo comprarle una a mi sobrino, gracias.
Buenas noche me gustaría saber el costo de una melódica de 32 es para mi hijo de 10 años.
Gracias por por la información
Buena tarde me gustaría saber que precio tiene una melódica.
Excelente informacion. Gracias. Estoy buscando un manual en espanol para tener una guia y asi mismo necesito obtener unas partituras. Compre una melodica recientemente para regarlarsela a un nino pero me llego sin ningun manual. Me podrian indicar como adquiirlo? me urge. Gracias.