• by Ortizo Instrumentos musicales


The genre originates in peasant families who mixed the tradition of the Spanish troubadours known as Juglares, along with the musical customs inherited from the African version of the minstrels of West Africa.

These peasants who traveled from town to town, their only form of entertainment was singing and playing guitar or bagpipes, known as Kuisis in the Kogi language. These indigenous Koguis transmitted the news through
songs, a strong influence taken by the peasants who started with vallenato music.
It is not known exactly about the arrival of accordions to Colombia, but it is believed that the troubadours of Aruba and Curaçao were the ones who probably introduced the accordion to the country, however, the popular legend is not ruled out, which says that it was through a shipwreck that the accordion reached the Colombian coast. This ship was on its way to Argentina from Germany when it suddenly capsized in the Magdalena River near the Atlantic coast.
The accordion that is known in Colombia is a Diatonic accordion, which consists of three rows, they are similar to the two-row diatonic ones, with the third row being a semitone higher than the original row (now half a tone) or a fourth above the second row.
The relevant bass notes and chords are the root of the scale for the inner bellows (pressing) and a fifth of the scale for the outer bellows (pulling), these notes are played with the left hand.
The three accordions work under the same fingering chart: Corona III, Rey Vallenato and Compadre.
Crown III
It is the ideal 3-voice accordion for the professional musician looking for sound quality and durability. Its sound is registered to play Vallenato or Merengue. This instrument is heard and played around the world especially where the accordion is king.
Available colors are black, white, red, dark blue, brown, orange and green.
It is available in the following shade combinations, GCF, FBbEb,ADG and BbEbAb.
Available in black, red, white and the Colombian flag colors.
King Vallenato
It is Hohner's economical line for Corona III, being 3 voices as well, it is manufactured especially for the Vallenato musician which has particular features such as an adjustable strap on the bottom side and a wide treble grill for increased sound projection.
Available colors are black, purple, red, orange and yellow.
Is available in the following key combinations, GCF, FBbEb,ADG and BbEbAb.
It is Hohner's economical line for the Corona II, it is a 2-voice model perfect for both amateur and professional performers. Features include an adjustable left-hand strap and a completely redesigned and much wider spider web grill allowing for greater audio volume while providing solid protection.
Available colors are black, Purple red, Orange and yellow.
Is available in the following shade combinations, GCF, FBbEb and ADG.
The accordion, in addition to being an instrument, is a national symbol for the country, which has been transmitted between generations, coming to represent an entire culture, creating events such as the Vallenato Festival and different rhythms that have allowed Vallenato and the accordion to spread throughout the world and be recognized as Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

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  • Deseo averiguar por un acordeón para hacer un regalo de cumpleaños a mi hijo que es aficionado al sonido de este instrumento, ya dio su primeros pinos en su aprndizaje pero quiere seguir y yo tambien quiero verle cumplir ese sueño, gracias.

  • Que acordeon me recomiendan como principiante

    Eunice on
  • Hola me gustaria saber los precios de las acordeones de tres hileras y las de dos hileras porfabor y contacto pagina store en chile

    Yovany Rene Maldonado Hernandez on
  • hola por favor que tipo de acordeón me recomendarían para iniciar como principiante en el toque de la misma

    jose ugarriza on
  • Por favor sin compromiso de compra quiero saber cómo se llama los acordeones pequeños para ejecutarucica tropical los que hacen los wawanco el cuarteto imperial y demás ojalá me entiendan lo que quieto saber y si fuera posible también el precio en moneda Argentina o dólar desde ya muchas gracias espero una repuesta Dios les Bendiga

    Emma Calieris on
  • O respuestas.???

    Jose Arturo Manrique on
  • Quiero comprar un acordeón para empezar. Cual me recomienda. Y cual es la mejor inversión. Por que Alemania no fábrica los acordeones cómo antes.y silos acordeones chinos Hohner son buenos. GRACIAS

    Jose Arturo Manrique on
  • Quiero comprar un acordeón para empezar. Cual me recomienda. Y cual es la mejor inversión. Por que Alemania no fábrica los acordeones cómo antes.y silos acordeones chinos Hohner son buenos. GRACIAS

    Jose Arturo Manrique on
  • Solicito datos y precio del acordeon vallenato corona III, ADG, para compra de contado.

    Rafael Lopez Duarte on
  • Hola quiero comprar un acordeón como puedo hablar directamente con ustedes para hacer la compra pero antes de debería ponerme en contacto con ustedes Graci

    Ruben German Ramos Ospina on

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